Dear Parents, Carers and TCP family
I hope you are all keeping well and warm. I can't believe that we are heading into March this week, but hopefully that will mean some warmer weather and lighter evenings once the clocks change on March 26th.

Client Awards / Runnymede Mayor
On Friday 26th May, we will be holding an awards ceremony from 4.30pm - 7.30pm for all TCP clients and their families.
The new Mayor of Runnymede will present the awards at 5.00pm followed by a BBQ and drinks to mark the occasion. An official invitation will go out in the next few weeks, but please make a note of the date in your diary.
Talia received a certificate this month for achieving her personal target! Well done Talia!
New staff member
We welcomed Dan this month, who has joined the TCP staff team on a full time basis. Welcome Dan, it is great to have you onboard.

Last, but not least, don't forget:
best wishes
Lisa Littlewood

Happy Birthday David

Alex's Birthday

Happy birthday to Alex - we enjoyed a quiz, Karaoke and a dance to celebrate.

Planting Spring Bulbs and Clearing the Allotment

A very busy morning today at the allotment... clearing paths, turning over the soil, planting rhubarb, planting broad beans, and getting the beds ready for our seedlings to go in.

Stir Fry!

Sewing Challenge

Another sewing challenge complete! - Greg has made a draw string bag using material and the sewing machine! Well done Greg!

10 Pin Bowling

Perfect Pizzas

We all enjoyed making Pizzas

Setting up our fish tank and choosing the fish

Pancake Day!

We designed and made our own pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and had a "Flippin" great pancake race!


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