Dear Parents, Carers and TCP family
I hope you're having a great start to the week and it is hard to believe that we will be heading into August tomorrow.

A quick reminder - the last day to confirm your table at the race night is this Friday 4th August. Please email me at
best wishes
Lisa Littlewood

Happy Birthday

Kosta, Connor, Archie and Anna enjoyed their birthday celebrations this month.

Allotment Repairs

We have been busy again at the allotment with some maintenance being needed on our wooden beds. They have now been repaired and painted, and we are hoping to do well in the upcoming judging of the annual plots competition and the tallest sunflower.

A visit from Otta

Otta, an 18 week old black labrador puppy visited us this month and loved all the cuddles and strokes she received on her visit.

Bake off!

Some amazing rhubarb and black current crumbles have been made and enjoyed this month using fruit from our allotment.

Please see the recipe:

Sports Day

Our Sports Day was a great success and everyone enjoyed some new team games along with some of the oldies.
We are all very proud of our Sports Day Certificates

Revive Coffee Shop

Everyone looks forward to the weekly visits to Revive coffee shop, where we are all made to feel so welcome by the staff.


Our weekly football and team sports sessions have been a huge success and we have seen much improvement in so many individuals over the last few months and we have enjoyed our sports in the park.


Recently we have had chicken salad pitta pockets & courgette chips and baked cheese & marmite twists which went down a storm.


  • Wednesday 9th August: Bekonscot Model Village. Cold packed lunch needed
  • Friday 18 August: Race Night
  • Tuesday 22nd August: RHS Garden Wisley
  • Monday 28 August: Closed Bank Holiday
The items below are information that you might find useful and some volunteering opportunities:
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