Dear Parents, Carers and TCP family
Hope you have all been enjoying the warmer weather recently and are looking forward to the upcoming Jubilee Bank Holiday. We now have our bunting up and our celebratory array of activities have really been enjoyed over the last few weeks.
Everyone is getting excited for our Jubilee party on Wednesday and thankfully the weather is looking good. Look out for our Jubilee Newsletter which will go out next week.
Happy Birthday!
This month's Birthdays! We hope you all enjoyed your special day.
Spring Fair
We are pleased to announce that we raised £900 at the Spring Fair, thank you to everyone who was involved.
Thank you to everyone who has purchased our newly upcycled items. A Clubhouse shopping web page will be coming very soon with items to purchase. Please look out for more details.
In preparation for the Spring Fair we were busy making bird boxes as well as all the other items for sale.
Learning French
This month in French we have been learning how to order food in a restaurant setting and hopefully some of us will be on holiday there soon!!
Making Crowns and Guards
We have been preparing for the Jubilee by making some fabulous Royal Crowns and some smart looking Guards too.
A Flying Visit to Birdworld
We had a very enjoyable day out at Bird World and Jenny Wren Farm.
Anyone for tennis?
Wimbledon is fast approaching and we are having a great time at our weekly tennis sessions at St George's College. Thank you to Bright Ideas for Tennis for their fabulous coaching.
Life Skills
This month we have learnt about Health and Hygiene in Life Skiils.
Dates for your Diary
- Jubilee Celebrations: Wednesday: 1 June
- Jubilee closure dates: Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd June.
If you are looking for things to do over the Jubilee Bank Holiday why not check out the Visit Surrey website.
Celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II with this impressive trifle, winner of the Platinum Pudding competition.